Trago Providing access to farming mechanisation

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Project Overview

The client wanted a farm machine rental marketplace under an 'Uber for farm machinery' model. This was our most ambitious project which involved close coordination with the OEM (Kubota Japan).

Our Role
  • Web Development
  • IoT Integration
  • Tracker Integration
  • LAMP Stack
  • CodeIgniter
  • Javas

Project Objectives

  1. Problem

    The client was having frequent billing disputes with customers due to a lack of reliable data around how much land was transplanted/harvested. The machines could tell how much they had moved but not how much they had worked.

  2. Challenge

    Our team needed to come up with a solution that enabled the client to manage billing invoicing and better forecast and analyze revenue.

  3. Solution

    We worked with the OEM ( Kubota Japan ) to develop a novel way to track machine working hours. By adding an angle sensor to the working implement of the machine we were able to provide detailed reports in real time to the client.

  4. Outcome

    The client was able to bill accurately via the platform with no room for ambiguity resulting in a much smoother billing process and a shorter receivable cycle.

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